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Hello friends! Here's your early look at the next two pages of NINECROW! 

Yes, Amanda is rushing headlong into something she absolutely shouldn't...but what else is she gonna do? NOT be a busybody?! Not when she's written by me, Queen of Snooping! 

As I posted over on Instagram (so apologies if you follow me there and already read this, ha ha), when I was poking through newspaper archives researching this I actually did come across a couple of articles about teenagers who'd gone missing in the 50s...and I couldn't help but spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to crack the cases via Google sleuthing. I shudder to think what kind of stupid things I'd do if these were cases that happened where I live! (And let's not even discuss the nosing around abandoned houses and such I did at Amanda's age >,<)

So yeah, if you're wondering if anyone would actually be stupid enough to do what Amanda's doing...uh.... *tugs collar* 



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