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I've been working on this for the past few days, and it still needs A LOT of work, but I think it's at least in a good enough spot to share. I left the template on when I exported these which goes to show where I'm hoping it'll end up LMAO.

It's been slow going on these, likely due to my inexperience with a file size this large (basic processes take longer, even with my pretty decent CPU/ram), the amount of clothes, frills, accessories, etc. There's a good amount of variation between each type too. It's been more work than I expected, but I'm enjoying it. I'm hoping to have these finished within the month.

There's a nude version to these too, but I'll wait to share them until everything is done.

Now that I got these sketches done I can get back to finishing up my other responsibilities before continuing this. Even though these WIPs should probably just be shared with my $5 dollar tier, I want everyone to see them so enjoy having fauna shoved in your face :D



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