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In November, I will release the character cards of Koseki Bijou, Shirakami Fubuki & Nekomata Okayu, and those who are not interested can unsubscribe now.

十一月會配布Koseki Bijou白上吹雪、和 貓又小粥 的角色卡,不感興趣者可以先行退訂閱。

11月は古石ビジュ―白上フブキ 猫又おかゆ のカードを配布する予定であり。興味のない方は先に退会することができます。

I've had feedback from 3 people that the latest version of HF Patch has a issue with a plugin called "clothes to accessories" that doesn't allow the character cards to be displayed correctly, so please don't upgrade to the latest version for now.


I'm having trouble with my Graphics card, that's why it's taking longer to get back to Patreon


If you want to replace the outfit, just change them in order. I made a video demonstration of this last December, you can check it out.

watch me: 😛 - YouTube

The picture in the outfit file is for the push up of Shishiro's jacketless outfit.

Please don't buy the "products" on my patreon page for the time being, it's just for my testing, because I can't mix and match the products, I can't send mods to the people who bought them, so Anyone who has purchased that, you can ask me for mods.

If you see fuwawa's and mococo's paws in white, congratulations, you need to manually import the texture to display it correctly.

texture: https://mega.nz/folder/ZoV0HYYA#rpLFpRZemkOdZPCy70aM-Q
