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It seems that some new members are not aware that I send 4-5 links at a time for the monthly cards, not just one 😺It is recommended to use a PC to open the dm, not a cell phone.


New cards will be released on the 2nd of every month. Try not to join the membership on the last day and the first day of each month, because there is a time difference between Patreon's monthly quota reset, and you may be charged an extra payment, and it takes 5-7 days to get a refund from Patreon.


When DMing me to get your cards, if you don’t want to wait too long, just try to be as brief as possible, because my chatbot is not very smart😺


Don't share the cards you got from me because I put the mark inside the cards. If I find out who redistributes my card, you will be blocked by me😺


I have blocked some unruly members recently, but if you think I blocked you by mistake, you can DM me on pixiv and I will give you a chance to explain😺

There is one guy I am trying to observe, don’t think I don’t know 😺


After replacing the outfit cards, you need to manually adjust the push up. I have posted videos before about this, you can find my old posts😺


DO NOT open the exe, rar, 7z, etc. files of the cards who said I made, because there may be some terrible thing in there. Only get the cards from my patreon are safe😺


I am considering ٩(๑òωó๑)۶ 2 £8 / month tier or above, self-take cards in the chat room of the tier will be posted monthly, details will be published later 😺













衣装カードを交換した後、push upを手動で調整する必要があります。これについては以前にビデオを投稿しました。古い投稿を見つけることができます😺


私が作成したカードであると主張する exe、rar、7z などは開かないでください。中にはヤバいやつが含まれている可能性があります。私のパトレオンから入手したカードのみが安全です😺


٩(๑òωó๑)۶2 月/8ポンドと以上のティアのメンバー、ティアのチャットルームにセルフテイクカードが毎月投稿されることを検討しています、詳細は後日公開されます😺


好像有些新會員並不清楚, 我一次會為月卡發送4至5條鏈接, 並不是只有一條鏈接😺建議使用電腦打開dm, 而不是使用手機.


每月2號才會釋放新卡。盡量不要在每月最後一天和第一天加入會員, 因為與patreon重置每月額度中存在時差, 可能會被多收一次付款, 而從patreon退款是需要5-7天.


dm我領取卡的時候, 如果你不想等待太久的話, 盡量簡短就好, 因為我的chatbot不太聰明😺


不要分享你從我這裡獲得的卡, 因為我在卡裡面加入了標記。被我發現誰重新分發我的卡的話, 你就會被我封鎖😺


最近我封鎖了一些不守規矩的會員, 但如果你認為我錯誤封鎖你, 你可以在pixiv上dm我, 我會給你一個解釋的機會😺

還有一個人我正在觀察他, 別以為我不知道😺


替換衣裝卡後需要手動調整push up, 關於這個. 我以前有發佈過影片, 你可以自行尋找我的舊貼文😺


不要打開聲稱是我製作的卡片的exe, rar, 7z等等, 因為裡面可能存在可怕的東西. 只有從我的patreon裡拿到的卡是安全的😺


我正考慮為٩(๑òωó๑)۶ 2 £8 / month 以上級別的會員, 在層級聊天室裡自助領取每月月卡, 詳細之後公佈😺

I'm using google translate😺

fu_k the new UI, I can't use my ctrl+enter, wtf?



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