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What's new?

-More of chapter 5! (it's a big one)

- Catch up with Nimue

- Have a quick conversation with a certain character

- Some more edits: typos and errors and the likes, fixed

Hope you enjoy the update!

Link: https://llamagirl.itch.io/the-bastard-of-camelot-beta

New Password: BocDemo53

If you find any bugs or typos, have any suggestions or simply wish to leave me feedback, here's a handy dandy Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7F8P0TtGRrucAzhU9j57I29IELyFBdcU7TxyyxQ9HMFsKgg/viewform?usp=sf_link



I hope there's an option to speak with merlin but tell mom about it. I really want to get some sort of concessions for her eventually without totally losing her trust by not being vicious about it.


Just finished. The last time I played was before the beginning of chapter 5 was even a thing. I played through it all and it was sooooo good!!