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Alright, think I figured out why people keep reporting there being missing text in the romantic variations of the scene with Elaine in Mordred's chamber. 

For anyone confused - yes, if you directly confess to Elaine or pay her a compliment, there should be text between that and the following choices, also some varying descriptions if you don't confess but still crush on her. 

There's an issue but not a bug in the code; I think part of it can be blamed on using old saves BUT there's also the issue of me forgetting to account for certain things. I actually feel pretty stupid about it now.

You see, I went back to the Temple scene and added some choices. When asked your opinion of Elaine, if it's romantic (and strictly the ones where Mordred is aware of their crush, so that rules out the clueless ones), you get an added choice of how you feel about it in regards to the wedding and Gareth. Is there any guilt - any fear that you're putting yourself and Elaine in a difficult situation - or are you perfectly ok with everything? Which is all very fine. Until I realized that if you choose not to take that romantic option then but still romance Elaine? Screws up the flavor text. Also, if you're using an old save and didn't replay through the Temple scene to make that choice? Also screws up flavor text.

I'll get it solved in the following days but I do need to think a bit about how to approach this. It'll most likely be a combination of adding another opportunity to make that choice of how you feel about the matter and 'soft-blocking' the player so that this chamber scene is the last opportunity to try to get a romance with her in this chapter.

Until then, if you want to get the scene properly, I'd say make sure you do the Temple scene and chose a romance option marked with ❤ to receive that newly added choice. So sorry for the trouble! 

I will be updating the demo with some more small edits (phrasing, typos, fixed letter bugs) later today.


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