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More of chapter 5! (it's a big one)

-Mordred gets to read their correspondence, or reflect on the lack of letters

-Small magic lesson

-Spend some more time with Elaine before she's swept up in the bustle of the wedding. Have a sweet platonic moment, confess your feelings, express your concern over the marriage.

And also, edits!

Some of them very relevant in order to get the right text/choices during the Elaine scene mentioned above. 

-I went back and added more clueless romance options for her (though as the chapter is right now, Mordred always figures out their feelings in the scene after the duel in the healing room)

-Added a new variable in the healing room that's important for getting the right romantic scene/choices 

-Also added an option to define how you feel about crushing on her given the engagement (this choice comes up in the Temple scene, when talking with Gareth/Morgana/Isolde) and as such added text to reflect this choice during romantic moments

-There have been some other small edits after the duel, such as Mordred remarking it's unexpected of Elaine to be so good with a sword.

Note: As it is now, if you're making confession or flirting with Elaine in this update doesn't account whether Mordred is dating Gawain - the narration and/or Elaine herself should be bringing this up. I'll be adding this branch in the following days, but I really wanted to get the update out first. 

Hope you enjoy it!

Link: https://llamagirl.itch.io/the-bastard-of-camelot-beta

New Password: UpdateTBoc16

If you find any bugs or typos, have any suggestions or simply wish to leave me feedback, here's a handy dandy Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7F8P0TtGRrucAzhU9j57I29IELyFBdcU7TxyyxQ9HMFsKgg/viewform?usp=sf_link


Happy Succubus

Oooooh, I really, really hope we can stop the marriage! The angst between my mordred, gareth, and elaine is to much even for me.


Hey! I don't know where to put this, but when you tell Morgana that Junia told Marcellus and Gaius about Mordred's conception, it takes you to the section where you tell Accolon the same thing. Also, when you have said everything and want to continue, the game sends you to when you are done talking to Accolon. The rest of the game continues as normal after this! Sorry if this isn't in the right place!