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The chosen theme of this month was a chapter 3 scene, featuring Galahad as the POV. More specifically, it's the part when Mordred finds Galahad by the river in their usual spot, and decides to try either befriending or charming him.

This one actually featured quite a lot of little choices that need to be set in the beginning, there's quite a bit happening behind in the code, haha.

Link: https://llamagirl.itch.io/galahad-meets-mordred-by-the-river 

Password: GallyGameRiver698

If you find any issues - typos, inconsistencies - let me know here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmXmRPJfqmoDd4oO4-QwhZiel4yk63j4EguWecpI5mBy_IKQ/viewform?usp=sf_link 



I love the Galahad pov's so much to see how much a sweet, sad, shy cinnamon roll Mordred confuses him.