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Hi folks! So, after updating the demo last week for May and correcting typos, I took a break and indulged in my obsession for I was a teenage exocolonist (highly recommend this game!) before going back to writing for Boc.

I'm working on a scene I'm very excited about, which entails taking a trip into town to the Temple of the Lady of the Lake, with both Mordred's and Elaine's families! Just a lovely outing 👀 

On a note less related to the game, I was on a short trip last week and went on a little trek by the side of a small waterfall, a steep climb, occasionally narrow with just like, a drop to your side and some slippery portions - got my shoes wet, but hey it was fun, and I'm surprised that I did not get dizzy from the height. I couldn't help but think of Mordred and Nimue trekking through the woods, haha. Those two really love their expeditions into the forest.



Omg a fellow IWATEX fan! I wan massively obsessed with it last year (and still absolutely in love.) fav character?


All the characters are great (Vace gets on my nerves lol, he's so ridiculously antagonistic???) but I really love Sym! How about you?


I love that game too! It did not get the attention it deserved. Love Dys and Rex