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The chosen theme of this month was another chapter 4 scene, this one featuring Mordred running off to Gareth for comfort...and to share certain shattering revelations. All told from Gareth's perspective!

Last month also featured Gareth, you folks really like him :) He'll sit out the next poll though - since I also kinda ran out of scenes with him for the moment, haha. Anyway, on to the game!

Link: https://llamagirl.itch.io/gareth-revelations 

Password: RevelationsGameGareth

If you find any issues - typos, inconsistencies - let me know here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmXmRPJfqmoDd4oO4-QwhZiel4yk63j4EguWecpI5mBy_IKQ/viewform?usp=sf_link 



I love Gareth so much. He is such a kind and caring big brother to Mordred. My heart hurts so much when I think of what he has to go through too. The weight that it must be to bear all this. Loved that Mordred asked him several times how he is feeling. I hope they stay close like this forever and nothing bad ever happens to him. I will be watching Merlin closely.


It is nice to see an understanding influence in Mordred's life. But also good to see an acknowledgement on some level that it isn't just Mordred suffering the consequences of this plot. I wouldn't mind Mordred being more aware of that as well as opposed to just the player. It is always enlightening to read the mini games :) Thanks for taking the time to get it out there for us. <3