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Her arrival is as unexpected as it is unwanted, and it shows plainly on your face. No need to dress up your displeasure, which she's very much aware of. She'd be wise to take it as a warning sign to leave your chamber as soon as she's finished saying whatever brought her here. Better yet, she should just leave right now, but you have little hope for that.

"There's no need to grimace upon my sight, I get that enough from Lot as is," Morgana says, affecting nonchalance. She's learned to cover up the pain that would usually flash over her features or bleed into her voice, which is just as well; you won't let her guilt you for the distance you put between the two of you. The fault lies entirely with her and her own actions.



I don't know to feel for Morgana but at the same time she disgust, terrifies, sympathize, and interests me. Never before has a Morgana beyond the original Arthurian legend made me feel a very complicated way. Just wanted to say you are doing a great job 👍