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This week I've focused on publishing the updates, both Patreon and public - polishing everything and fixing issues as they came. Not much else on the writing front, but I'm excited to continue working on chapter 5! The scene that picks up immediately after the latest update features Morgana, and will let you define what your relationship looks like now 👀

In other news, I wrote a thing last year that has nothing to do with either The Bastard of Camelot or my other demo, Supernatural in New York, and it's not interactive fiction. It's a thing of its own, a short story called Shadows of the Strange Valley. It's Weird West, it's sapphic; it has a mystery, a monster and a protagonist who starts completely out of her depth but is determined to persevere. 

If you enjoy my writing you can read it over on Medium!

Link: https://medium.com/@llamagirl/shadows-of-the-strange-valley-5a765003b161 



Just started reading it. Enjoying the beginning.... It explains lore and sets up the hype really easy . Something to be envious I think due my experience lol . as someone who writes some short stories here and there for the imagination beginnings are always the worse for me