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"How could we leave you out - Elaine's drinking too after all." Elaine freezes in the middle of stuffing her face with buttered bread at the mention of her name, eyes darting towards you. "Admittedly she's not drinking much; last time she indulged she fell into the river."

"Father!" The objection has no power behind it, muffled by a mouthful of bread.

"At Isolde's wedding, no less."

Gareth turns to her, bemused: "You did?"

Elaine hurries to chew - though it's questionable how much she actually does with how quickly she swallows - while Isolde atempts to hide a smile behind her glass. "Yeah, from a boat Isolde and I took for a few quiet moments. I simply lost balance and pitched over. It was cold as fu-" she catches herself before she can commit to the swear, patching it over with "freezing cold" and a nervous chuckle.


Dabi's Bitch

She seems like a very cool person to talk to 😊