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Hi everyone! First let me preface this with an apology - I don't know if it's Friday somewhere else in the world but here where I am it's Saturday already...which means I mised the Friday blog. I got caught up with some things yesterday and it completely slipped my mind but I'm here to rectify the mistake!

So, on to my progress: I've wrapped up the scene I wanted to finish in chapter 5 and turned my attention on to the last bit of chapter 4 to flesh things out. Honestly, I like it more now; I feel there's even more of an emotional impact with the new choices and little edits/bits of conversation I added. I'm not quite done yet - still have to tweak Junia's and Accolon's scenes with Mordred and want to expend the scene where you talk to Morgana in her study - but it's going well! 

Anyway, I'll be posting some sneak peeks for chapter 5 later today 👀



Still Friday on the west coast US so that's a still-on-time-somewhere win 🙌 can't wait for the sneak peaks 😊


With all the work you do, how could anyone blame you. You don't have to apologize ! 💕


Work hard. Play harder as I always say. Have fun or something, it's not a bad thing