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This week I've outlined chapter 5, which involved structuring and restructing, taking out and adding scenes, and going through my notes to find anything I've jotted down about the chapter. I've ended up writing some quick pieces of scenes as inspiration came, too 👀 And I've written the beginning to chapter 5, wherein Elaine and her family arrive in Lothia! Working out some details, I've decided to introduce Merlin and (reintroduce) Nimue.

On a different note, I've received feedback pertaining to the last bit of chapter 4 and I will be going back and reworking some of the scenes (fleshing out the paths and reactions Mordred can have). I'm aiming to get this done this month as well.



Can't wait to meet Merlin !


I just finished reading the fourth chapter and I'm already craving more! Your writing style is very enjoyable to read and I like how much detail you put into each description of the story. I'm looking forward to seeing Nimue again and meeting Merlin.


Ooh, such a good chapter, but man did it make my blood boil when Morgana insisted she just did what she had to. My Modred is completely done with her now 🙅🏻‍♂️

Dabi's Bitch

Since we know what Morgana did and that mordred will be 15 in chapter 5, will we have an option to describe how that affected our relationship, after the 3 year span? Bc my mordred would totally only talk to her if it's unavoidable giving her a cold shoulder in daily situations


yes! there'll be a choice to define what the relatonship looks like now, and avoiding Morgana as much as possible is an option