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This month's chosen theme was: Accolon's POV of finding Mordred in the lodge with Arthur + being confronted about the prophecy

Link: https://llamagirl.itch.io/accolon-searches-for-mordred 

Password: AccolonMiniGame91748

If you find any typos, bugs or inconsistencies let me know through this handy dandy Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmXmRPJfqmoDd4oO4-QwhZiel4yk63j4EguWecpI5mBy_IKQ/viewform?usp=sf_link 



is it supposed to end when we meet up with Morgana?


I honestly don't understand Accolon. He's a great dad and I want to love him but him knowing and acknowledging what Morgana did to the full extent of her crime and still loving her is tainting my feelings for him. I think in my head I always thought he had managed to deceive himself into painting the event in a softer light but he actually used the word here. How can he still be with her? Love getting these insights into the characters, thank you.


They say that love makes you blind...Accolon may not allow himself to judge her because of this and the fact that he too is not all white and all black. He also makes a mistake concerning his relationship with Morgana in relation to her status as a knight. For Morgana is a married woman in the eyes of the Kingdom...