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A pair breaks out of the dancing ring, careening towards you on a collision course. You tug at your chained arms, nimbly pulling Gareth out of harm's way. He watches the giggling couple twirl away to cause mayhem elsewehere, then turns to you with a grateful smile. "As I was saying. Father arranged for me and other Duke's and Duchess' children to spend some time together at the fair today."


"It's a ploy. Form friendships that can bloom into alliances later, and of course signal to everyone that we're a unified front." He swirls the juice in his goblet as his gaze glides over the room, thoughtful yet not betraying much else. "That kind of thing. I think the most interesting interaction I had was with Elaine Beauregard. She devored -inhaled - a bag of pastries and afterwards still proclaimed they have better ones back in Astolat." Gareth then elbows you, thrusting his chin out somewhere to your right. "Look who's all on her own."



Oh Hello 👀