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So, I have only received a couple questions for the QnA, so this will most likely be the first and last QnA. Which means I will be soon coming up with a poll to decide on what other benefit you'd rather see (one of the ideas for a second short story you'd get to vote on, but we'll see). The QnA was also pitched as an "in-character" one but the questions I received were lore and story related (which I don't mind at all, but I'd also answer these type of questions on tumblr, so I wanted the QnA to be something different, since it's paid).

On with the QnA!

1. Do we get a pov of Arthur confront Lot about the bullying?

Interesting question! Arthur doesn't mention approaching Lot, but he does promise that he'll talk with Alina's mothers about it and ensure that the bullying stops. And we will see the results of it in the next chapter (potentially this one too, if you don't go a certain route and stumble upon Alina). Approaching Lot would be a lot more stress-inducing for Arthur because he finds Lot intimidating, but at the same time he feels he'd owe at least that to Mordred. Arthur was clueless to what treatment Mordred got, and he was the one who practically begged Lot to claim Mordred as his child so they wouldn't be considered a bastard. I wasn't planning on adding a POV of Arthur confronting Lot, and I don't know if I will, but it's something I might consider for a future edit. In any case, it'd be interesting having at some point a scene only between Lot and Arthur.

2. Is demons a thing in boc, since Uther called Merlin a little demon in Morgana’s engagment?

So! Lore Time. The fae, in Boc, have been called different terms throughout time: fae, fair folk, fairy, daemon, demon, Gods and Goddess if we're talking about the fae that people pray to and who lend their magic to humans. Demon is a term you'd use if you're trying to bring attention to some more...mischevious, capricious and sometimes even malicious faes. (And Merlin is half-fae hence Uther playfully calling him that). So basically no, demon is just another name for the fae.



Thanks for answering my question, even tho all of them were just mine. <3


Of course! And thank you for your questions! I was actually (pleasantly) surprised someone picked up on Uther's comment to Merlin :)


I am glad it was a thing and not just me being nit-picky about the lore!! ^^