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Hi everyone! 

Done with the Arthur scene (and its variations). On to the Morgana scene I've mentioned last week! (and seeing more of the fair performances)

In writing the Arthur scene, the topic of hobbies comes up so I thought I'd share the tentative list I have for the different hobbies Mordred might pick up/choose during the books:

  • Playing the lute 
  • Composing music (this one is only selectable if you also play the lute)
  • Writing
  • Drawing
  • Making potions (Mordred learns basic potion making regardless, but this refers to trying different recipes for fun)
  • Cooking, baking
  • Reading
  • Wood carving

I'm trying to integrate them in the story like playing the lute has been integrated, something that comes up in conversation, something that can help you bond with other characters, or be mentioned when Mordred is relaxing or indicate what kind of gift they might receive (like new paint if they like drawing, books if they like reading etc). And making potions can come in handy plotwise!

On a more technical note, I'm currently having some trouble with the Twine User Interface I use for writing and coding the game - it's lagging to an annoying degree which makes writing hard and slow, so I've resorted to writing things in a different text editor then copy pasting them. It's a good solution for now, but I'd like to look into some different alternatives for a twine interface at some point. 



the idea of hobbies is nice when they play part in the story, like what you did with the duet or having Morgana display our artwork/carvings. I love to see what other scenarios you come up with for this :) I wish you good luck with Twine ~