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It's Friday, it's time for the weekly developer's blog! 

I've only returned from vacation a few days ago but I got back to tackling the feedback my beta testers sent me. Fixing bugs, making edits, adding choices. I think the update is shaping up nicely and I'm hoping to have it done for Patreon very soon (aiming for next week). Which means I'm also starting to think of ways you can send feedback over here if you have any suggestions, encounter typos or bugs (hopefully you won't, but they're sneaky little pests). I'm thinking of google forms for this. You could also just dm me. Whatever you're comfortable with, really.

The update will consist of small additions throughout the whole three chapters that better flesh out the world; an optional Galahad scene that has about 5 variations; Mordred spending time with their dragon companion; the introduction of a new character; and more! Also, it'll be mobile-friendly.

Additionally, you'll find that now you can click on a character's name from the relationship page. It'll take you to a page where you get more info about them (status, reputation) and a physical description. It's in progress, and some of them are more polished than the others right now.

I'm currently working on an optional scene where Mordred can hang out with Arthur, get to know each other better, talk about your dragon blood powers. I'm really enjoying showing more of Arthur, especially showing a more carefree and relaxed side of him as he chats and has fun with Mordred. Mind you, it's still sprinkled with some angst. Just a tiny bit.

There's also the option of hanging out with him for the sole purpose of talking about your powers. He is, after all, the only one like you.

The rest of chapter 3 is plotted out and I have snippets of it written in my notes.

Now that I've updated you on the state of the game, let me ramble a bit ✨

I've been writing quite a lot of scenes that take place in the woods. I describe the birds singing, the rustling leaves, the rushing river...and I realized I completely forget the insects. None of them in Lot's forests, apparently lol. Which is funny considering that if I were to lay down on the grass as Mordred so often does, I'd just be fussing about the insects.

On another note, my vacation was to the seaside and it gave me lots of inspiration for Avalon scenes, but it's going to be a while until we see Mordred back on the island, in the game. Going to the sea puts me in mind of Nimue too, makes me want to write about her, and I got an idea that could very well end up in one of the books.


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