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So sorry for coming in late with the weekly blog! Almost every time I update the demo I forget about them.

So, yes, Galahad's and Nimue's complete dance scenes have been added, and I've continued working on the next bits of the demo. We get brief appearances from Sirs Percival and Bronwyn.

Also, been thinking about future plot points of book 1, fleshing out some arcs and events. There's a very important change I've decided to make which I don't think I've talked about before, though it's been on my mind for a while now. (Or perhaps I did mention it and I completely forgot.) But I've decided to introduce Agravain earlier in book 1! (also where you'll be able to lock into their romance, as you would with the other ROs) Instead of meeting Agravain, who was then a squire at a tournament in the last stretch of book 1, Mordred meets them when they arrive in Camelot to try out for the Round Table.


Audrey Evans

hi, i was just curious about something. when do the romances lock in/how obvious is it? i've always been awful at telling in these games unless it warns me lol. also are there any poly or love triangle routes?


hi! there's no lock ins yet (i mean, there are some "soft" locks with Gawain and Elaine but you can break things off - amiably even, also there's the opportunity to get back together in the future) but the really serious lock-ins will be clearly stated as such in the choice, so no worries there! As for poly and love triangles no, there won't be any, but I'm thinking of there being some scenes that address whether you've been flirting with/crushing on different ROs up until locking in with someone.