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What's new?

-More of chapter 5! (it's a big one)

-Make small talk with Galahad, insult him (before the food has even arrived!) or simply ignore him

-Get on the dancefloor!*

*note: unfortunately, i haven't managed to finish all of Galahad's dance options (half of them are finished and included in this update though, two very fine choices of "i bet you can't even dance" or a friendly invitation) and Nimue's isn't at all in the demo yet. I will be uploading them as they're done however (with no password change, of course, so that even if you unsubscribe during April you'll get access to the scenes since they were supposed to be included in this update).

Hope you enjoy the update!

Link: https://llamagirl.itch.io/the-bastard-of-camelot-beta

New Password: DemoBoc16

If you find any bugs or typos, have any suggestions or simply wish to leave me feedback, here's a handy dandy Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7F8P0TtGRrucAzhU9j57I29IELyFBdcU7TxyyxQ9HMFsKgg/viewform?usp=sf_link

demo update



The dance with Elaine was great .... perhaps even more than expected. The contrast with her dance with Mordred and Gareth shows the difference in which who she shows more affection and finds comfort with depending on your relation with Elaine. Seeing Elaine being herself without being worried about someone else thinks made me smile. Good job in making me care for this character Llama!


lil question, when meeting nimue none of the catching up options are working. You can choose then but there is no coloured word/ sentence to get to the next slide. Should i start a New game ?


i think i've finally worked out what's going wrong there; the variable used there is set early in the game (and has been there for a long while, it shouldn't mess with old saves) but it's also very easy to skip over that scene on replays. basically, right now you could: a) use the quick-character creation, it should contain all needed choices or b) start from beginning and make sure to go through all the conversation points with Nimue in chapter 1. But I'll also try to make a quick fix today (right in chapter 5 when meeting her so people can continue without going back).