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First and foremost I'd like to explain how this whole ''monthly poll'' thing will work, since it is our first one ever and I want to make sure I'm not making anything scuffed here, so:

From September onwards the characters featured in the monthly poll will be entirely based on suggestions from Patreons subscribed to the ''Great Tier'' and ''Ultimate Tier''. Everyone has a 72 hours period of time to vote for your favorite out of a list of 6 characters (This is subject to change.) and the character who wins the poll will be featured in a single pin-up drawing done by yours truly.

The polls are scheduled to be uploaded each second Friday of the month (August 11th, September 8th, October 13th and so on.) And the vote will end Monday of the same week, after the 72 hour period of time is over.

Here are the rules:

-Can't suggest more than two characters per person. 

-If the suggested amount of characters total is above 6, then I will choose randomly which one stays to compete in the poll and which one moves to next month's poll.

-If the suggested amount of characters total is below 6, I wil add my own options to the poll until the remaining slots available are filled.

-You can suggest the same character multiple times in a row.

Any feedback, suggestions and questions are greatly aprecciated. As I am looking to improve the way I work, moving forward and make sure this goes without any issue. I look forward to your ideas and comments! Have a nice day.


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