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Howdy everyone,

Slightly late devlog for you, apologies! Mostly things have been trucking along as usual, though it was Tib's birthday on the 24th so they've taken some time to enjoy and relax a little; and while they've been having a well deserved break I've been working out some ideas for more of the larger animations, among other things; and for this one at least I can show you a preview!

I don't know if I ever showed this little robot off but I've given him a slight redesign now, and as you can see I want to stick him in Level 1 for some additional fun to be had; and no doubt you recognize the character who's happened upon our hero too! 

This little guy is a Greeter-Bot for the subway systems; they don't tend to operate at peak times anymore after a number of regrettable fire safety incidents but you'll find them most nights working as a combination of mobile information kiosk, security personnel, and relatively cheap heating for the office come winter. That little thing under him is a stun cannon, by the way, and that is not a euphemism.

These are all fully layered by the by, and the aim is there's going to be some options for you in the gallery mode eventually that'll let you toggle various aspects of the scene that aren't necessarily lore friendly but I'm sure you'll agree are worth it for what we're trying to go for!

Speaking of, I spoke to Amber the other day about how she managed to afford that spacious high-rise; while I'm pretty sure the cheap, plentiful unspecified building materials of the future make the question of cost a bit different to you or I, she had this to say on the matter:

So there you have it; who knows, maybe this little enterprise puts her closer than she realizes to the events unfolding around her? At any rate it'll certainly come in handy when it comes to getting past the QRD's crumbling security architecture I'm sure.

Lastly I decided to add the concept of cars to the world, which is crazy I know but stick with me, they're just props:

I always like to make stuff in advance of levels, and I wanted to see what spriting a car was like so, here we go! It's also a preamble to the other car I've been making, for the 3D environment:

I may not have much knowledge of 3D yet but damn can it be fun! Also this is unfinished, I'd like to add, and will hopefully all the better in the way we want to use it.

Anyway, time to get back to the animation portion of that above robot scene; thanks for reading and checking in, hope everyone's day is going well enough for a Tuesday, see you next time for some more inane ramblings and pictorial updates!



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