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Hey all,

Sorry for the lack of updates on things; I know it sounded like we were getting near a release, which was fairly short sighted on my part. Work's been focused on trying to get it all working with the intro and the boss fight and the levels, and new stuff keeps cropping up that I hadn't factored in and, in short I'm a bit of a fool. I know things haven't been going nearly the rate they should, and that apologies are really just words in the face of that, but I do want you to know I'm sorry all the same for the silence and the lack of real tangible stuff to share with you all. 

I'll keep going of course, this isn't an admission of defeat or anything close, and Vero will be working her magic like usual and carrying my ass through this, but I get if you're becoming frustrated with the project; I hope that in a while this will just have been a rather nasty blip in the road to getting you what you're donating to play and see updated.

Thanks for reading, hope everyone's staying safe out there!



Erick Cedeno

I mean this is a project that I accept as in the great words of Zach Hadel “it’ll be out when it’s out and we like that (breaths hard) it’ll be out when it’s out.” XD but seriously I’m happy to at least support y’all in some way to follow through on this project that I personally really like. Keep up the awesome work you guys and stay awesome and safe ✊


Don't give him his- don't give him his jacket! xD thank you my friend, now I have to go watch that while I work (again) and thank you for the kind words :)

Erick Cedeno

Hahaha yess do iiit! XD of course ^^