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Hallo everyone!

Sephra here, doing this particular dev log while Sprrigs is recovering from too much being cool; luckily for you all I'm never that cool so I can fill in where appropriate ^^

So lately we've tried a new thing where  we start to swap the game's file between us every couple of weeks, and for the last couple weeks I've had the main coding privelage so I can put my obsessive perfectionism on everything; as you can imagine its been a lot of work that most aren't really even going to notice but I'm doing it anyway coz... well, you'll have to ask someone with more shrink training than me I guess!

Sprrigs, in line with him being cool, has coded up a much easier to work with system for the characters conversing with each other; my old one used to rely on Game Maker 2's Alarm systems, which you can only have 12 or so of in any one object, so if text boxes lasted more than 12 back-and-forths I'd have to make a new object and... I'm sure anyone who knows coding is laughing at me just reading that so you can imagine how much happier I am to have someone with a clue on what they're doing taking over xD 

For the most part it's been me dotting the T's and crossing the I's and all of that, trying to get the game to the point where its fully playable for the first level, and a lot of that is Boss type stuff; so aside from coding I've been animating the necessary stuff and making assets, like this:

And this (WIP):

Which has been rather a lot of fun!

So yes, that's been the main thrust (heh) of the progress these last couple weeks; been a lot of fun delving into the code again and making assets for it as and when I realise they're needed! This method is definitely going to be a boon for me; Sprrigs too hopefully, but also I'm his boss so I can say AHAHAHAH and mistreat him because that's what bosses do! 

Nah he's cool with it, don't worry xD

Nother update soon you wonderful people ^^



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