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As I consistently seem to, I apologise for the lack of many updates on here; the most vocally supportive of people I know exist both on here and on Discord, and my mind defaults to 'oh hey I'll just post there and let people know what's going on' without thinking maybe there are people who don't care for the service but still want updates, and... I'm a fool basically, my brain don't work good, so I do apologise for that...once again xD

In more pressing news, the recent mumblings about Patreon's move to the UK and the potential for card declines etc. hasn't drastically affected the amount of support I've been able to recieve this month; the nature of this way of doing things means there's always going to be some fluctuation as people do what ever people do, usually within the $1-200 mark, and it's fallen within the same bounds as I would've expected it to had I not heard about Patreon relocating to the UK (woo they love me that much guys!)

A big old heartfelt thankyou to everyone who's deciding to continue to support me in the face of what can be rightfully seen as little progress, at least in the areas of animation and sprite work in general; the same however can't be said for our brilliant programmer Byful who continues to make strides in the creation of the new engine, and I'm happy to say it's very easy to work on the same project with GM2 and my hope is that if we can't port the level directly over from my old project file, I'll just make up a new level with a slightly less uh... 'I've never done this before halp' kind of vibe xD 

I've been planning to change the layout of the level slightly for a while now anyway, based on some new background sprites I've made which, well, I'll just show you and you can figure out where i'm going with it:


There's been progress on some more things I can't quite show you here, but suffice to say the subway worker rat's animations are looking better if I do say so myself, as well as the feral Dog's ^^

My hope and aim is that when you take a look at the next stable, full content release when it comes out, everything will have had something of a revamp to make areas you may well have gone through quite a few times now different and more interesting and more...cinematic, maybe? ;)

That's all for now folks, thank you again for your kindness and generosity, and as always I'll be working hard to make sure your faith in me is justified ^^



*Boops Seph's Snoot*


glad to see even more of the game is getting a nice new coat of paint (soon to be more than paint with the enemies in the game)


I am awfully curious about how the golden retriever dude is going to be like once finished.