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Hey everyone!

So the title spoils it a bit but yes, ta daaa! Here at the bustling Horned Lizard Studios we've added another person, in a manner of speaking xD

His name is Byful, and some of you may have seen him on the discord server; he's been here since pretty much the beginning and is responsible for the surge in attention the game initially recieved when he posted and tagged my animations on e621 for me! I didnt even consider it myself, continuing to fail at marketing xD

Anyway, he is an awesome programmer and has show me multiple examples of his aptitude, work ethic and interest, and not only that he is helping me primarily for love of the game and is discounting his services to me rather handsomely, which is yet another awesome aspect to the guy ^^

This means an engine that isn't stuck together in manners anyone who was actually taught how to code would likely throw up upon seeing, better game feel overall, and most pressingly it is a huge weight off my mind! I'm sure few people have missed the recent events around me by now and the subsequent break and slowdown in work, and I won't lie I was looking at the amount of work I would have to do with some trepidation! But now, I can just focus my efforts on getting the visual and auditory side looking and sounding good as possible for you guys while Byful provides the power behind the pixels!

How's that for an endorsement eh? I'm really happy to have him aboard and helping out, he's happy to be helping and working at speeds I could only dream of with my novice abilities, and having this respite is just, beyond words with how helpful and welcome this is!

Not to mention I hope it outlines my commitment to continuing too ^^ I'm starting to try and think about solutions in this manner a bit more and I think for the sake of the game and the quality it could achieve if all cylinders are firing, this is a very beneficial agreement for the quality of the product we want to complete for you.

So for me it's back to animation, no longer feeling like I should be coding and like I'm losing time even while I work; I've only had like 12 hours of that so far and it's already the best, man. I can't describe it xD



That's awesome news congrats!! :D