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So if you've been following these you'll know I've been taking a bit of a hiatus, which has been good for me on the whole I think; me and mum are just sort of drifting through things currently but the support and love I've recieved from everyone here and on discord and FA and everything is just astounding, I'm beyond thankful for all the understanding and encouragement, and I can tell you truthfully it's redoubled my wishes to keep on and keep making what I want to make ^^ 

So this, as the title suggests, a mesasge of thank you to everyone ^^ And I thought I'd let you all know how things were going, I can understand that this may have sowed a bit of worry in people's minds of where the project is going to in light of this, whether I'd get so far away from working on it that I'd not return to it, things of that nature.

I can't deny that my desire to do anything over the past couple of weeks has been severely diminished, but I feel like something's returning to me slowly and a few pictures and things I did for myself, as well as a bit of sprite work to keep me in form, were very enjoyable and made me happy to do again! I'm not going to start work formally again just yet but I wanted you all to know that trying work again after the event is if anything more of a joyful and mesmerising experience for the tonic it provides to any negativity that comes my way. 

My plan, as of my last update, was to try for a monthly system of updates and such; unfortunately we're nearing the 1 month mark since the last update and things aren't really there yet as you can imagine, but I wanted to reaffirm my desire to get that monthly update system going and get some consistency to the project; I can't give a date for starting that up just yet really but that's my intention going forward, once things are back in production ^^

So, TL;DR I love you all, your support has helped beyond measure and kept my desire to make the game strong, and currently I'm taking some tentative steps toward getting myself back into work mode and getting my skillz back up (that isn't a typo ;)) 

Hope everyone's enjoying their day, and I very much look forward to being able to come back and make an announcement about content ASAP ^^



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