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Afternoon everybody! 

So I decided to hold off posting yesterday what with the date and all, I'm not witty enough to come up with a joke for that sort of thing!

Things are going pretty well on the game front; as always the joy of animating is long and drawn out as ever, no pun intended, but on the plus side I've gotten the dog's walk cycle looking halfway decent which I always find to be the hardest one to do, in terms of making a convincing loop:

Currently I'm doing an attack animation for him, which will involve a rather...unconventional striking method, hopefully you'll all find it as entertaining as I hoped it would be in my head! But for now I'll keep that under wraps and 'wow' you all when it's done xD

The big news though, and something that I'll have pretty much squared away in the update, is the addition of a pipe! No, not the tobacco kind, more the lame outdated reference kind! 

This will function much as it does in Streets of Rage in terms of being a heavy swing, knockdown affair that has limited uses to it; right now you can use it as much as you want in game but that'll be fixed soon enough; as you can imagine the greater concern was making the sprites of Amber with the pipe included!

I didn't want to just slap it on top of her existing sprite and have it float about unconvincingly, so I spent some time adding to all of her animations while I was full steam ahead with that tail/footpad redesign work, and bar a couple of less often used things like rope climbing (which I'm redesigning anyway, her sprite is so tiny and off model xD) the pipe is now a functional item in the game ^^

So, the pipe can knock down enemies much quicker, will have a potential 4-5 uses before it breaks, and can be knocked out of Amber's grip if she's grappled or knocked over by an enemy. It will also be used to open up cracks in walls and other such things requiring a heavier swing than Amber's admittedly powerful kicks can provide.

Worry not though, I've not forgotten about the content you're all wondering about! So as the Golden Retriever above functions as a tutorial style enemy I thought and have had it suggested to me by some lovely people that his attacks would be quite stumbling and ineffectual and ultimately a bit humiliating to lose to, in a proper context; I mean, who loses to a tutorial enemy? ;)

SO this means I'll probably be focused on boobs for one thing; I know I've not really had enemies play around with them yet so I plan to make up for that; for the other attack I'm not sure yet, but I think a good feature for this enemy again suggested by a friend was that he not actually engage in sex until Amber's become infected, which I think would make for a very cool game over animation and resultant CG!

Anyway, quite the ramble today chaps, sorry about that; better I ramble this stuff and actually tell people than just work silently right? xD

I'd also like to leave a thank you to everyone that's joined up recently as well as everyone that's contributing in general; I'm loving being able to do this and opening up the phone in the mornings to see a message telling me I've got a new patron is just... I can't describe how awesome it is, and how much it doubles down my commitment to make this a game worth everyone's time and money ^^

I'll be bringing you another update very soon once I get the pipe's code done and possibly add in a couple more little things, so look forward to that ^^

In the mean time, based on what I've said about the tutorial enemy, would anyone have any thoughts or preferences on it? Always love to hear feedback from all of you, let me know either in the comments or a message to me ^^

Have a lovely evening everyone, watch this space for that update! ^^

(EDIT: Called the Golden Retriever the Dog by mistake)



I think doggystyle anal for the sex would be nice, not any anal that I know of in the game


Good progress! Not sure if it was mentioned before (tried to search), but will a zoom function be implemented for the capture animations? Maybe even a key-bind that just zooms in on Amber manually?


Yes definitely, I love that idea! I'm gonna mess around with the views function of game maker and see if I can get that to work, should be simple enough ^^