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Evening all!

Or wherever it is you find yourself in the day; time for another update from Me (Sephra), with a couple of suggestive examples this time!

Work has continued to go well with the whole movement/combat making, we've apparently got enough separate animations for everything Amber can do that Tib's had to create a substantially more complex state system to allow for it; considering I doubt I'm close to done on little things she can do (one of my obsessive fixations) it's going to be a lot more so this is definitely good to be getting set up!

Here's a couple of examples that you may find especially interesting:



They're two variations on the same event conclusion that i'll leave to your imagination, and they also Come with a version involving some spillage; this hopefully shows the sort of thing I want to continue doing while we're building this thing back up, make her as interesting to watch doing things as possible; you'll also find a lot of the base animations are now a lot less juddery and full of little errors too, and while they'll never be completely stamped out she'll be smooth as I can get her for the big re-reveal!

For an example, because I don't know where else I'd show you specifically: 

 (The old one)

And the new one!

No doubt will encounter several more changes before the time's out; anyway that's my piece out of the way, will go and carry on working on the elements of the game I can't quite show off here, and leave you with a message from Tib this time too!


Hello everyone, a quick bit from me Tib! The main reason why things are going a bit slow again, I'm sorry, programming is hard, especially with me having some trouble focusing, but I'm getting there! I've been working on the ability to FULLY remap the controls however you like, for both controllers and keyboard / mouse! Along with that, of course, I'm working on the combat for the player and AI, which is going to be the biggest challenge for us. When we do release a testbuild for the combat, we'll REALLY need everyone who's interested in supporting the project to work closely with us and provide as much feedback as possible, so we know which direction to take the combat system to make a fun gameplay loop! Until then, I'll try to post more frequent little updates in the small updates channel on our discord, mostly just showing off technical things, these will probably not have pings attached to them, mainly just to show progress! Thank you again for all the support, hopefully we can get you all something new soon <3


Also, before I sign off, I've heard that a few of you have been having trouble seeing the gifs I upload on here; I honestly couldn't tell you why but it was suggested to me to use imgur to try and combat the issue, and for now I figure I'll put all the images used in links at the bottom here just in case; let me know if it works any better!








Looking forward to the new animations! Are there plans to revisit Amber's run cycle?


may we have a lang switching function? i really like this games story,i hope it can have a chinese choose even its made for AI :D


I'll have a talk with Tib about it sure, I don't know the ins and outs of how difficult/accurate that will end up being but I'll write that down; I didn't think there was a demand, so this is very pleasing to hear thank you ^^