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I'll be releasing a few more support free FDM sculpts next month
Some River Trolls. Will come on and off discs

How are people finding the Support Free Minotaurs?
Has anyone printed them and if so did you like them? 




Loving the Minotaurs! Honestly, the main reason I joined your Patreon as I've been wanting some good models that will print well on FDM. I'm printing on a Bambu P1S .20 nozzle... and I'm still dialing in my print settings, but I'm very happy with the results I've been able to get. Learned that speed paints accentuate the layer lines, so I'm doing more with traditional paints. Also, I need to try spray priming, as I've been mostly brush on primer, but I think spray priming will really help deliver a smooth finish. Looking forward to those trolls!


I find a coat of filler primer really helps to smooth out the layer lines and then spray on under coat after that


I just tried one of the minotaurs scaled down 50% (for 15mm scale) in resin. Worked great! The time save from having less height, and not having any cleanup is great!


That's great to hear they work for 15mm. Didn't even think of the advantages of supportless would work well for smaller scales