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I don't know if any of you have watched the FauxHammer video but in there he prints some of my support Free Minotaurs
I've not released them yet as I did them to test my Carbon X1 printer

Would any of you guys be interested in Support Free Sculps?



Stephen B.

I 3D printed an Eldar Titan on my i3 Any Cubic and I liked it! But the point of the post goes on all the same, and that is that FDM printing is super important and the craft to doing it is a good mix of modern making skills and arts; e.g. design, software, hardware, crafting etc. Those skills are so important for 3D printing and making. Maybe its like the social skills needed to arrange and set up good house rules for miniature games are important too? Letting a company do that for you is not really a good idea. Anyway, the main point of the post continues, and that is that if there was a new tier or tribe for releasing free supportless FDM prints (+ £40-50 a year for 12 models a year), I would find a way to support this on principle. This is because I think its so important for the hobby. Physically or digitally removing the bases is actually no big problem, and its easier for Duncan’s designs than a Reaper Bone or Oathsworn hunk of metal etc. Although I can see that doing this for commercial prints might be annoying (unless done once digitally). But, being able to do this is really worthwhile (digital or craft skills).


If given the option, I prefer supportless. They are generally more durable and less fiddly to paint. Maybe a couple supportless thrown in each month?


I was thinking about removing the bases off of these or at least providing the option of having them with out bases. I remember hacking off the bases from some reaper figures and Zombiecide figures in the past. It was such a pain 😂


I'm thinking of throwing in some over the next few month's as I've done a few to test my Carbon X1 printer. If people like them I may as well. I agree about them being more durable. there is something quite satisfying about the solidness of them

Michael Zabkar

Absolutely! Support-free sculpts make the whole process cleaner and easier. Thank you!