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Carrying on working through the poll I ran a while ago asking what people wanted to see sculpted
Up next was the Chaos Warriors

There will be multiple Multipart kits out next month
First up and the Base Chaos Warriors and a Possessed Kit

Iwas going to make the possessed as a add on kit like I did with the High elf command kit, but ended up getting carried away so they are a full kit now

I'll get a command kit done for these guys as well 



Axel H

Wow, those will probably look good in red and gold 😁

Axel H

I ask myself if not a hillebard or two could be useful, as those are an option in the different list for wargames. And also make these models even more "heavy metal" 😁


Yeah I should have made some Halberds for these. I'll get some done and added into the kit. I might have a go at doing some more pre posed figures as well if I can find the time