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So as many of you will be aware I have been having some house issues of late.
The house we were meant to be moving into being uninhabitable due to water damage and then the  temporary housing we have moved into having several leaks we don't seem to be having much luck with water at the moment.
My brother in-law joked that we may have angered a water spirit, so to cover all bases I thought I should get some pre supports on my old Water Elementals (which I've been meaning to do for ages)
and I'll be adding these into next release.
Hopefully this will placate the angry elementals 😂



Kevin Jacobi

hope everything works out for you. It sucks anytime of year but the middle of the winter is possible the worst!


These are really bad news, so kudos for you, still delivering some nice sculpts to us. I hope these liquid tides of darkness will soon be behind you and your family! Stay safe and all the best to you! We appreciate your work even more during these rough times! :)