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Hey everyone hope you're all keeping well. Just wanted to let you all know I will be moving house shortly so dealing with that and a 12 month old I've been pretty busy so haven't been replying to messages quickly at all. Sorry for that  

I've had some bad news the other day that the house we were meant to be moving into had a water leak and so much damage has been caused the house is uninhabitable.
Carpets ripped out, plaster coming off the walls, ceiling collapsing  etc 

This would have meant my family and I would have be homeless on Thursday.  We have sorted out temporary housing and storage so we will all be fine  Luckily I don't need very much room to work as long as I have my computer I'll be up all hours sculpting.
I've also built up a good backlog of sculpts so there shouldn't be any problems with the monthly releases, but I may be rather slow replying to messages for a bit

I'm going to post a load of images of stuff coming out next month all in one go as I might not have a chance over the next couple of days




Hope it all gets better soon dude, stay safe :-)


No worries from me. Focus on keeping your family safe!


Wow that's bad news and I am feeling with you here Duncan! That's really a tough time to go through. I hope everything will work out as needed and wish you much luck with your move! Stay save and keep on rockin' :)


Thank you for your kind words guys. I have faith it will all work out in the end just have to take each day as it comes. I can't complain I have a amazing family and I love my job

Johnny Mendoza

That sucks man. You and your family's well being comes first. Hope it all gets sorted out without any further issues.


Hey man, do what you need to take care of your family. Donโ€™t worry about us. We will be here waiting for things to get more stable for you.

Michael Abraham

That's awful. I hope you guys get it all settled out quickly. And I know what'll make me happy as a zombie hadrosaur lmao ๐Ÿ˜‚


You and your bloody zombie hadrosaur ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Thanks Michael, hopefully it will work itself out. Might be a little longer until I get my workshop though


Thanks for all the kind messages guys We have moved halfway across the country and are currently in temporary accommodation surrounded by boxes. I have my computer setup though Using my phone as a hotspot, but I'll get better internet soon Family are all well and my little boy seems to be just enjoying the adventure๐Ÿ˜Š