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Hey everyone hope you're all well and have lots of fun printing and painting this months release

So I've been thinking about changing up my Patreon for a little while and want to see what you guys think

The last few months I've been releasing  around 30 figures a month and a couple of multipart kits
I be honest I think this is too much, I can't keep the work load up and I don't think I'm producing the best sculpts I could because I'm trying to compete with other patreons that are run by whole teams of artists.

What I'm thinking about doing is reducing my Patreon cost down to $5 a month, but also reducing what I produce each month. Say 1 multipart kit and 5 figures
This will reduce my work load so I can concentrate on producing the highest quality figures and stop me burning out.

I would be interested in hearing what you guys think  



This is fine with me. Having good quality trade in for less figures and one multipart kit is a good deal. Don't burn yourself out!


Yeah that sounds fine, I'm most happy with the weird stuff you dip into like owl folk and your hand sculpted feeling style, so anything that's more conducive to your own creative freedom is fine by me


I would pay the same amount I already do for you to be able to make fewer models for longer because you didn't burn out. Also stealth second for the 'modular zombie dinosaurs' that are mostly head swaps.


I think it's a good idea.

Stephen B.

I am ok with less quantity of figures, quality and things like customisable parts or variants are just as important for continuing patreons. I miss the big stuff a little. Price is ok - but maybe reducing is fine if it attracts more people and increases store traffic. Also, if it is on Patreon, I do not think you need to be so transactional about numbers of miniatures etc.


I have been with you almost from the start and I will continuo do be so. You always had awsome things comming and if that is what you need to do so you dont burn out, do it! I will still be here :-)


I think that's entirely reasonable. TBH I don't care about multipose kits at all, but I realise many do..Just as long as you don't burn out and continue with your variety it's all good for me.


Do it! Quality over quantity.


The same conversation happening over at Vae Victis. It's difficult to compete against the teams of sculptors that have flooded Patreon and MMF recently but you should do what you are comfortable outputting, no sense burning yourself out over plastic toys. I've been here since (almost!) day one and will be here as long as I can be. Personally, the modular stuff doesn't sell as well on my store - people prefer the prebuilts which makes things easier for me. The only things I'd like to see would be some of your older monster models revisited, beholders etc. Don't seem to see many people making monsters as often anymore - everything is wargame focussed. Also, I'm still eagerly waiting for those 15mm sculpts! :)

Kevin Jacobi

I have been here awhile and support whichever decision you make. Personally, I'd prefer you doing less and spending more time on the models. I also agree that I'm not too concerned about multi part models either. Love to see you just working your way through the monster manual and giving your take on classic creature. Maybe start with low threat creatures so people can grow their campaigns as your monster levels increase. Also, please continue with your horror/Cthulhu inspired models. These are great.


Oh man, I empathize. How can a one person endeavor compete with companies with big budgets and teams of people? It's crazy how much the market has changed so quickly. Do what you need to do to keep yourself sane and satisfied with the work you produce. I wonder how this shift will then adjust for merchant licenses? Love your work!


That's not a bad idea about revisiting some of the older monsters I've done. They could definitely do with some extra attention and improvement


Massive thank you to you all. Loads of really positive feedback

Charles Webber

Do what you need to do man, don't burn out!

Axel H

I am totally ok with you slowing down a fair bit, and keeping your work / life balance in check. Price is still ok for me, and no one else does exactly what you do.


Quality over quantity, just please don't drop the multipart kits entirely; $10 or $5 is fine.


Would be happy with you doing the one kit and a small amount of models. Still holding out for the NSFW witch elves 😊 don't push yourself over the edge trying to compete, I love your style and just want to have models in your style as I love it


I agree. Don't kill yourself with work. The real tragedy would be if you stopped sculpting due to burnout. You have a great style, and I love the aesthetic of your models. Fewer models wont bother me at all.


No worry's I wont be dropping them :) They are a lot of work, but they seem to be really popular with you all. I think they are the thing I've had the most positive response for


Thank you Ryan that's really nice of you to say. I'm glad you like my style. No worry's though I love sculpting and have no plans to ever stop :)


Once again I just want to say thank you to you all. You're all so very kind and it means so much to me that so many of you like what I do. From the bottom of my heart thank you


My own view: Do what you need to take care of yourself, bud! I've been here for like four years at this point, and I'm not going anywhere :D Also, from a model perspective, I do miss some of the monstrous/larger models (I've legit printed your Balors more than any other model at this point), but I might be in the minority on that. But, for real, take care of yourself, bud. I love your work and I have zero regrets about supporting it, and quality of life is the most important thing!


Whether it's $5 or $10 doesn't matter to me, whether there are less models too, for me the most important thing is that you stay healthy and thrive in your production. The proposed models are exceptional and very easily printable in 15mm (scale that I practice). Maybe also offer some pre-supported models for this scale... Be well.