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I've done a heavy armoured owl folk kit coming out next month
I am also working on some new head sculpts so people can change there bird folks into other bird types eg crows

I've also been sculpting new heads for this months knights kit. I'll get some test prints done and renders and show them soon 




Looks awesome! Are there any plans to add more mousle stuff in the future? My daughter really likes them XD


The head pack is a great idea! If you released a big pack of exotic bird heads, everything from vultures to macaws, pelicans, cormorants to cardinals, I'd have alot of fun with it.


I like the Crow head idea.

Stephen B.

I 2nd crow or even vulture heads - something darker or more avian to contrast the more human looking owls!


These are amazing sculpts! Will we ever see some sort of command unit for your Beastmen like e.g. a musician, standard bearer and a champion? Would be great to have such kind of options for the Beastmen tbh :)


Seconded Macaw heads.


I was wanting to do some cavalry for them. Was there something specific you wanted to see done for them ?


I had a look at my sales on MMF of command groups and they sell really badly so I'm not planning on doing very many more, but that said I have already made a start on a beastmen command so they will be one of the few that will definitely get done :)


Oh yeah cavalry would be awesome, also some greatsword arms would be stellar. If you got into modular mousle sorcerors, or perhaps a more leader style kit that would be really cool too :)


Thanks for you kind answer and that's totally understandable. Maybe another option for the future could be to implement some fitting bits in your multipart sets, like e.g. a banner (pole) or an arm with a trumpet/drum etc. and an extra head plus weapon arm to build such kind of command models out of it? So you don't have to sculpt/sell command units on their own, but offer them via separate pieces within your multipart kits. Anyway its great to hear that your Beastmen will get a command unit :)


I would love to see these with wings. Kenku don't have wings in 5e, but owlfolk do! Your owlfolk is how I first found you


Different bird types? Awesome!? XD deff need some crows and macaw heads. Anything with a huge beak would be funny to see. Lol


I think that's a really good idea. It wouldn't take any where near as long to do a couple of extra arms options to add in to the kits, and to be fair people who want the commands will probably be more interested in the Multipart kits for building regiments too


@Duncan Shadow: To expand my idea a bit further, what about doing something like a wizard staff/arm then also to give the opportunity to build a wizard/shaman etc. out of your multipart kits also? Have you also ever thought about doing more/additional multipart kits for one race/faction with a specific theme to round out the unit options e.g. doing a Beastmen cavalry kit or Warmachines etc.? 😇


I would say yes to both😁 I want to do whole wizard kits though rather than just staff arms