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Another thing coming out next month
Greek style storm knights
Also will have a Multipart kit for these

Other stuff I've also been working on and will be coming out over the next few months are Heavy armoured Owl folk ( I'm planning on doing extra different bird heads for them like I've done with the Cultists)
Zombie town Guard set.
Goblins and nights goblins
All of the above are going to be Multipart kits as well as pre posed sets, and will of course all come with pre supported options :) 



Niels Kristensen

That sounds amazing, Duncan! Any chance of command group bits for some of those sets? :D


Dig the sculpts! Now I wish I had a human army to use these in. lol


I love them be great if you could do some gauls


I have been working on a command set for the beastmen and I will get them finished, but I've been looking at my sales on MMF and the command groups I've already done just don't sell. So I'm not going to concentrate on them as people don't seem to really want them

Niels Kristensen

Thats fair :) I'm surprised that they don't sell. Look forward to the bestmen one :)


Thanks for your update and telling us your future plans :) I am still waiting for a Halfling multi part kit from you, as I really like your Halfling sculpts. I am curious for the Goblin multi part kit, as your Goblins are so amazing and full of character! Will we ever see some Wolfriders or chariots for them? :)