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Finally got this figure finished and test printed 

Extra froghemoth sculpt coming out as loyalty reward to everyone who is a supporter of my Patreon for the month of both February and March

I'm going to try and release more Loyalty rewards to encourage people to stay supporting as I have had serious reduction in supporters over the last year and if it continues sadly it will mean I wont be able to sustain my Patreon 




Your monster sculpts have such a rough charm, they remind me more of physically sculpted miniatures than any other digital sculpts I've seen. In fact, your sculpts in general are the best at taking into account that these have to exist as physical objects, and print with real sturdy dependability. Its a shame you're losing patrons, hopefully that trend reverses. You deserve more attention and credit than you've gotten to date as a pioneer in this artform, and its a killer deal to boot, haha


With the release of the New revised D&D books "Monsters of the Meta Verse" do you think it would be popular to release multipart kits of popular Race/Class combinations for a while to bring people in alongside some of your usual stuff? Not sure what other patrons thoughts are?

Niels Kristensen

Really well put, Rozaline. You hit the nail on the head about what makes Duncans sculpts so great! As a side note that is perhabs also what makes it hard to compete with all the flashy models from other designers that are extremely "digital" in their look.

Kevin Jacobi

I'm sorry to hear that Duncan. I've been with you for quite some time and will be here until you decide to stop - hopefully not too soon. I love your style. My only critique would be that you do quite a bit of animorph characters which may take away from more traditional fantasy fare. Regardless, I look forward to you continuing to share your talent with the group.

Kevin Jacobi

As a merchant level patreon, I'd like to see more of the "essential" models for fantasy RPG campaigns. This could even mean revisiting some of the sculpts you already have done. I'd love to see themed releases around a certain setting/environment or, perhaps, 2-3 settings with smaller releases for a number of months. Some small terrain pieces would be great too so that it is almost a module accessory.


That's a very good point. I feel like 3d printing as an art form is hitting some growing pains, and there are a lot of conversations to be had that would really let the medium and sculptors stretch their wings. We're still running in circles around "can I use this in X game" versus "what are the individual artistic qualities of this figure?" Things like durability, the feel in hand, sculptural nuance and inspiration. I came to miniatures and 3d printing from the action figure world, and I think there's a lot that could be learned there.

Kamron Duncan

The stuff I love the most are your larger monsters and creatures, and all of the dinosaurs. I love your creature design The dragons you have done, the abolith, and those scary looking Bat creatures are some of my favorite. Maybe something you could try is put out a question to your merchant level supporters to find out what they sell the most of. That could give you a good idea of what many people like to get.


Thanks for all the kind words guys I do try and keep in mind how the sculpt will work when printed, it's definitely possible to make a very detailed and great looking sculpt on screen, but not have it look anywhere near as good when printed. @Rozaline That's a really good point about the growing pains of the art form. 3d printing has exploded in popularity, but it's going to be interesting how it changes as a art form as it matures. Thanks again for all the kind words


I'll have a look for this Monsters of the Meta Verse, thanks for letting me know about it. That might be a good idea. I still find some of my best sellers on MMF are some of the basic figures. I guess it's because they an be used with lots of games


Thank you Kevin. I hope to turn it around or at least stop the downward trajectory. There is no way I will be stopping sculpting any time soon as I'm far to obsessed with it :) I think you may have a good point there with doing more of the traditional fantasy fare.


I am working through my past releases and giving them the Multipart treatment so there will be stuff like Dwarves and Goblins coming. Are there any other things you would like to see?


That is a really good idea. I've been paying more attention to my MMF sales to see what's popular, but asking the merchants would be a great idea


Sorry to hear about the reduction in patrons, bud! Sadly, everyone has definitely been feeling the corporate-greed pinch with everything getting unreasonably expensive, so I imagine it's mainly that. Also, for what it's worth, I've always been the biggest fan of your giant monster sculpts. Your Glabrezu sculpt was what actually made me sign up to be a patron in the first place, and your original Earth Elementals, the Balor sculpts, and Aboleth are my most-printed models from your collection. Oh, and I do feel like I've gotten a bit spoiled by your models. I recently started patroning Geargutz as well, and so many of their sculpts are terribly unoptimized for 3D printing. They've got cool sculpts, but a big plus in your favor, to my mind, is that your models are generally broken up well for printing and come out much more cleanly than a lot of other artists I've gotten sculpts from.


Thank you David that's really nice of you to say I'm glad you like how I split my figures, I test print a lot so try to make sure they are easy as possible to get good results with. It's nice to hear other people are getting good results with them too :)