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Also adding to the Skeleton range next month
The Skeleton Minotaur's will come as 3x pre supported pre posed  figures as well as a multi part kit (also with pre supported options)
I've been test printing these parts and they are interchangeable with the Skeleton trolls :)

I would also like to bring to everyone's attention a Twitch channel that's run by a really good friend of mine. He's trying to get to 170 followers by the end of the week so if you like Fall Out or Skyrim go give him a follow he's very entertaining.




Hadn't realized I needed those!! Awesome!


Lol Right, was thinking the same thing as Chris... Didn't realize I needed those 😸


These are gonna look so good with a raw umber wash! Love speed painting skeletons!


I think I am gonna print 10 of each part and invite some friends over for some skelly building fun.