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I hope you don't mind me asking but I was wondering 

What got you into 3d printing?
and what do you 3d print the most? Table top RPG's? wargames? just to paint? 



Was into D&D from the basic blue box set. Never got into minis until grad school when some friends introduced me to Warhammer, 40k, Necromunda, and fig painting. Later I got into designing Mayan inspired pendents and thought 3d design would be a nice extension of that. Never got very good at digital sculpting, but I do enjoy others work. Still haven’t gotten around to a 3d printer. Maybe for Christmas…


I saw your goblins


I've been printing for about six years now. I stumbled on a makerspace while they were doing a 3d printing night. I instantly saw a use for it in terrain and now with the onset of quality affordable resin miniatures.


Cheaper models, access to a much larger library, the ability to print an entire army, characters for RPGs and boardgames, in some cases resin models instead of metal and painting.

Sebastiaan Babyn

Got back into painting minatures after about 20 years. Saw that Warhammer was still asking exorbatant amounts of money for plastic and seeing as I don't play warhammer but Dnd I thought why not print my own minis. One thing led to another and now I have enough unpainted resin miniatures to populate a small country.


Hopefully there might be some Christmas sales and you can pick one up cheap. Designing Mayan inspired pendants sounds great. Loads of beautiful Mayan artwork to pull from


😂 I feel your story. I sometimes look around as I'm surrounded by dnd books and 3d printed figures and ask myself how did I get here

Kevin Jacobi

I have a small hobby company called 6 Squared Studios. We started because we would run convention games where we built terrain and people wanted to buy it. So, we taught ourselves how to make moulds and began our company. Shortly after, we invested in a commercial laser cutter to start making MDF bases and accessories. People then started asking us about different scales. That is when we decided that 3D sculpting was the way to go so we can resize for anyone's need. We still sculpt the "old fashioned way" but have also found amazing artists who we can share their designs with our community.

Joshua Rosenblum

For me it's all starts out with wargaming. My friends and I started playing Warhammer in college and I've been collecting figures for my undead army for 30+ years now. My collection has kind of gotten out of hand. I genuinely likely have at least one of every 25-32mm skeleton figure made by any company since 1980. Given my OCD concerning my undead army, I started following the potential of 3D printing about 10 years ago with the sole focus of printing minis. When SLA printers reached that critical price vs. quality line, I got myself a resin printer and started churning out skeleton undead. And it's awesome, but it's sort of a mixed blessing as I already have more stl's than I could possibly print, paint and put on a battlefield. Still, it comforts me that I *have* them and could print them out whenever I wanted. Next project, learning to sculpt with zbrush so I can make very specific undead figures for various themed armies. And after that - getting a 3D scanner in order to digitize and "back up" my entire physical collection. The scanner technology is getting there, I just need the price to fall a little bit...


I was having a project. Needed to print a bunch of stuffs and replicate parts. Return of investment rather quick. Now 6 months later still hasn't started my original project. But I found a new hobby in the hobby. 3d Printing.


Undead were my first love when I got into Warhammer years and years ago :) I use to love the old metal mummy's as well. I hope you like the Skeletons I'm working on


I got into 3D printing as a lever to encourage me to learn to sculpt. I figured I could pickup a skill that is desirable in the artistic community and be even more valued as a potential hire. But quickly realized the huge time investment in bridging the gulf between what I am currently able to do and being good enough for what I wanted to do. Painting has never been a highlight of my gaming hobby and 3D printing definitely inflates my pile of shame as a result. I have however learnt a ton of speed painting techniques and am able to produce product faster than I need it, so the hobby is a time sink but a cash neutral one, as I have been a merchant since I found your stuff.

Andrew Hart

For me i got into 3d printing for the price, with it i can play nearly anything with very little cost, TTRPG, war gaming you name it, it can be printed.


The low costs of printing now have really opened up the ttrpg and wargaming possibility's :)


I got into 3D printing to primarily make miniatures/miniature terrain. I've since expanded to doing larger, more functional prints, but I still primarily do minis for both DnD and Warhammer/40k.


Nice I do love a DnD miniature :) I don't really play any GW stuff anymore, but Warhammer will always be my first love 😍😂 and then later 40k Ork's