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I've been working hard on these and have done some test prints that have come out well :D 

For those who don't like kits and want pre posed they are also coming so no worries 

Thanks again for all the suggestions and feedback 

I'm thinking about going back over past releases/ ranges and doing them as multipart kits as well. What do you all think of that? 

Would love to hear from you all 




If you have the time to revisit your old sculpt with modularity that'd be great ! Your patreon is already gold, you'd hit Platinum 😁.


These are fantastic,


Ratfolk and beastmen would be amazing as would be other animal folks. I always was in love with the sculpts but a variety of 3 was too little for wargaming. The modular approach finally let's us fill a Regiment. Brilliant.


I'm on board with any figure being multipart, so long as the parts are ball-and-socket jointed. Otherwise, I love the idea! The Kua-Toa models look great also. :)

House Hendoe

Modularity is King you do great posing, but I like to incorporate my minis into scenery and limb position is my bane. I also like not having multiples of any poses in D&D combat, my rogue likes to cheat when I loose count on occasion after he Leeroy Jenkins a encounter.


Now I've started doing these modular kits I am thinking about all the kings of war fractions I could put together :)


I did play about with the idea of doing flat joints like the old plastic kits style as that would have been easier, but I just wasn't convinced. I preferred the ball joints as well, it gives you more possibility options. Glad to hear someone else thinks that's the right way to go as well :)


LEEROY JENKINS 😂😂😂 Glad to hear you like the modularity options. I'm looking forward to doing lots more of these in the future :)


Yeah, the old GW models with their flat surfaced areas were the bane of my existence back then. The rounded nubs and sockets make for much easier positioning. And the glue tends to hold a whole lot better (IMO). For larger models, "pins" might be easier to work with too. I've done a little modeling with MeshMixer to make my own multi-part models and pins seem pretty simple to model in.

Niels Kristensen

They look absolutely great Duncan! I know I'm always going on about command groups, but have you considered doing a banner and musician arm for this set? Maybe a conch shell horn of some sort? :D

Kevin Jacobi

Love the look of this kit and the ball joint. It reminds me of the old GW ork model kits when I was a kid. They were awesome, until I somehow ran out of left arms :)


Thank you! I love the modularity of that kit, and think it would be awesome if you could go back and do the same with your past releases. One suggestion though: Can you also separate the heads from the torsos, at least for some of the figures (e.g., those without hoods, etc.)?


I was thinking about doing smaller command sets. Maybe 3 new body's with a couple of banners, musical instruments, and some slightly fancier weapons befitting a unit champion 😊 What do you think? or would you prefer just adding in a banner and instrument into the basic set?


I remember those. I use to have a speed freeks army, and a dred bash force as well 😁


I was thinking about doing that with these, but couldn't work out a way to do it and still like the design. But yeah definitely I'll have separate heads with future releases. With what I've learnt sculpting these it will be a lot easier for me in the future. Thanks for the feedback and I would love to hear any more feedback after you have printed these if you think of any way to improve them :)

Niels Kristensen

That sounds really awesome - the deluxe version. My suggestion was just to make it more manageable, but this would be way more cool :D I guess this would be nice for the RPG people and not just the wargaming crowd like myself - the champion in particular :)


Those are stunning. Any chance of a standard and a musical instrument (maybe a conch shell) please?

Niels Kristensen

I asked the same excellent question above and it seems that its part of Duncan's plans :D


Thank you Martin. Yeah sure I was thinking about doing smaller command sets. Maybe 3 new body's with a couple of banners, musical instruments, and some weapons for the champion


This makes me (and Niels!) very happy


They look great - can any of the spear arms be used as javelins? i.e. positioned overhead as if holding the spear over arm and throwing it, not underarm and poking with it? If not could you please include one? It would be very handy for “saga: age of magic” which has a javelin armed faction


Excellent stuff but could you perhaps add some primitive looking firearms and other shooting weapons? That way they could be used as a warband in Stargrave. Also forgot to say that the multipart idea rocks! Please continue releasing multipart sets! Thank you! :)


I'll see if I can get a couple done before the release day :) I'm hoping moving forward I will be able to take requests just like this and get them done before release as getting a few arms done is a lot easier than having to do a whole new sculpt, so please keep up the requests. Also Saga isn't that the Viking age game?


Yeah I'll try and get a set of arms done like that. Isn't Stargrave a sic fi game? Frost grave in space?


Yes, it is [https://www.wargamer.com/stargrave/review] but generic low tech mutants/fish people will always be useful :) Perhaps you could expand on the theme and add a wacky crocodile-like pet? :D


Yeah I really like that idea. There are loads of cool aquatic creatures that would add on nicely to these :)


You could also mod one with a whip or some remote control "box" to control the big lumbering monsters or a swarm of octopi/sharks/attack snails? :D


Thinking about this, it would be really cool if someday you could add some wounded or damaged appendages, heads, and chests. You could have a veteran one-eyed chief with an eye patch and one arm in a sling, leading a fighter with one leg and a stump [or in the SF version with a wheel or gravity nullified]...


I'm loving all this ideas. I think doing these multi part kits along side the pre posed will really help increase the creativity of the sculpts as I can do add on packs of different bits you guys come up with :)