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First off sorry for the triple post today 

Second Thank you all so much for all the fantastic feedback you all gave me, loads of food for thought.

I can't get everything done all at once as there was loads of good suggestions, requests and ideas, but a few things came up again and again. So I will be listing some of the things I will be adding into my Patreon in the coming months 

1. More monsters, This might have been the most requested thing,  so I will be doing more monsters in the coming  months. I have already been pawing over my dnd tombs looking for inspiration of larger beasty's to sculpt for you all 

2. Modular sculpts, this was also a really popular request that came up often. I will start adding in multipart sculpts for you. I'm planning on still doing the single pieces sculpts though so as to give people the option, because I know some of you would like to just throw a sculpt on the printer and not have to assemble them 

3. Past releases with pre supports. I'm going to try and get a few of these done each month and add them into the monthly release

Thanks for all your feedback and thank you all for your support 

Hope you are feeling as excited about the coming releases as I am 





Like a Tarasque?


Maybe not a Tarasque as they have been done by a few other people, but definitely like a Tarasque, as in some big monsters.


Well I recently subbed expressly cuz you're one of the rare modelers that proposed an extensive choice of anthropo characters. Would it be mice or other kins that can be used for ttrpg like Mouse Guard, Mausritter, Pugmire and Co. You can literally throw a rock at Patreon or MMF and it will land on a Monster modeler or studio, they're dimes a dozen. I get responding to popular demands, just hope you'll keep on offering cute critter sets... I'd really love to see more adventurer types tho.. with back packs, torches,... maybe some improvised armors and weapons done with household items. As personal a side note.. Modular characters are a nightmare to do listings of for merchants.. I feel what they gain in modularity, they loose in uniqueness, they often have generic poses and undefined cloth folds to accommodate variant weapons/arms and/or heads. Also there's always kitbashing and mini modding if you really want to change a character's setup. ..Just sayin' ^^


I also subbed due to your anthropo characters.


Ah, that's fine. I have never actually gone looking for one, but I'm not really surprised. They're just quite signature in my mind when thinking of large and nasty D&D beasties, and I doubt I am unique in that.

Kenneth Van Bogget

Is there also any chance of some more scifi stuff (as the sculpts you have are amazing), I know this patreon is fantasy oriented but would be nice to sneak in some scifi mini's every now and then :)!


I will still be doing the anthro characters as I really enjoy them. I just wanted to get feedback from Patrons to adjust what I'm producing to better fit what people want to see. As I add in some of the requested options I'll be looking for more feedback as well as in a few months touch base with every one to see how we all feel about sculpts, direction etc. I totally get what you mean about multipart kits. I'm currently thinking of doing sets of 3 pre posed like I have been, but then also doing a additional multipart kit. Hopefully that will please everyone 😁 I just need to work out the best way of doing them


I would say probably not, but I would never say never. Sometimes inspiration takes me and I sculpt something for me, but then release it to Patron as well


I've said it before and I'll say it again. You're awesome. I am so excited about the future and what you'll create. I am even more excited about the big models that may be coming. :D


Then I cross fingers for inspiration! The initial scifi and deamon/monster sculpts was what made me subscribe to this patreon :) Personally I am not really into the anthropo characters, but I see the appeal to others.

Alan Crooks

Duncan, I think you need to stick with what inspires you - I'd rather you enjoy what you do and keep developing projects that inspire you. Being a creative person can be difficult if the work you do isn't out of love - keep up the amazing work.

Grant Dawson

I was not a patron when the post preceding this came out, but these are all very good ideas from my point of view. Really happy to see more monsters and demons also!

Ivan Antalec (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-02 14:10:31 I cant wait for modular sculpts! <3
2021-07-01 21:09:36 I cant wait for modular sculpts! <3

I cant wait for modular sculpts! <3


Thank you Alan that's really nice of you to say. I find sometimes I'm inspired by to much and want to do a dozen projects all at once 😂 there just isn't enough hours in the day.


Been working on some tests for the Fish folk/ Koa toa that won the last poll. So far the test sculpts/ prints have been coming out nicely. I'll looking forward to seeing what you all think of them :)


Just throwing an idea your way for a pretty epic creature: The Olethrodaemon, also known as the Apocalypse Daemon, from Pathfinder. For DMs whose players need to stop the apocalypse ;) https://2e.aonprd.com/Monsters.aspx?ID=597


It's in the PF2e 2nd Bestiary, but it also existed in 1e (though the colouring was quite different in the art). In PF lore the demons are Chaotic Evil and from the Abyss, while daemons are Neutral Evil and from the plane of Abaddon. I realized recently that the D&amp;D yugoloths are just the 5e name for daemons (though I think the lore is fairly different), and there is some crossover with the Pathfinder Daemons (i.e. 5e Hydroloth vs PF Hydrodaemon) This was the PF1e art: https://bit.ly/3wH8v6C


Yes I remember them while perusing my PF Bestiary now :D Both first and second edition


Not sure how familiar you are with Chrono Trigger, but I'm sort of basing my upcoming campaign on it, and I'm planning Olethrodaemons to fill the role of Lavos!


No I hadn't heard of it. Did a quick search looks like a cool game, but unfortunately I was a Sega kid