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Hey everyone hope you are all keeping well 

I wanted to ask you all a favor, I want to hear from you all about what you don't like about my Patreon.

That could include the Patreon service, but also my sculpts. What don't you like about them and what areas would you like to see improvement

I know I can't please everyone all the time, but I want to provide you all with the best service possible   



You're not on your own, that seems to be the most requested thing 😊 along with more multipart posable figures. You will be pleased to hear I've been looking through some of my 5th ed and Pathfinder bestiary's today getting ideas for more monsters to sculpt 😁 Thanks for the feedback


Hey everyone just wanted to say a Massive thank you to all of you. It's been great hearing from you all and getting feedback. There has been a few things that have come up multiple times. I've made some notes and will be looking at how to implement them in the future. Hope you continue to enjoy my sculpts, and thanks again 😁


Command groups for the animals :) and more tieflings!


May be some modular design to switch weapons and or heads. I like a lot to have access to your miniatures by MMF as you have done.

Andrew Hart

More orks more kaiju, maybe a throw back mini each month from previous months, modular minis base body with a few poses with different head hands with weapons and without weapons , start a poll as to what we used these for, like for me d&d other war gaming that could help get more info on what we want , also are you going to do your yearly minis on MMF


Having your discount on MMF would be great. I would like to have most if not all of my minis in an online backup.


Well, like others pointed before, there’s nothing I DON’T like really. Your sculpts have your style and touch which is one of the reasons I did support you and kept supporting you. Hell I began playing B&B because of your anthropomorphic animals :) . I’d say I do miss your take on monsters/demons/kaijus and your style on cyberpunk/science fiction stuff. Your take on creepy/strange beasties was good. And “Titans” sized beasts were really nice pieces, that would be cool to sculpt some more (maybe 1 or 2 max a year ?). I understand there’s a limit to the quantity of sculpts you can put out in a month, and maybe there’s a majority of people supporting you only for fantasy stuff, but maybe throw sometimes a sculpt from what I mentioned above ? Could be interesting to have some varied sculpts of sci-fi/cyberpunk npc/antagonists/crew mates with your style. That ones could be used in several Scifi skirmish games. Apart from that, I did regret from time to time that there is no modularity on the models. Even just be able to swap from a sword blade to an axe head for example would be a nice touch (without always thinking of fully modular kits).


I liked your older models from 2 years back, while the folk series are really not too useful for me. I am also delighted you got onto MMF......


As so many people have requested modular designs I will be giving that ago on the kuo toa that won the last poll. Hopefully people will like them :)


I wasn't planning on selling the yearly bundles on MMF, although I could ask them if there is a easily way to set that up, but I was planning to make them available to people who have already bought them. I think I know how I could do that, it just would take a little while to set them up over there


I will be looking into this soon. There maybe some big (and exciting) news related to MMF coming up soon. I'm just waiting to have another meting with them soon


Thanks for your feedback Rmey. It's really useful to me that so many of you have focused in on Modularity and larger beast sculpts. It's clear to me they are both things I should add into my releases. I'll have a think about some more scifi bits I could add in as well. I might be able to add a few sculpts in that could be easily used for both sci fi or fantasy. Especially if I am doing more modular stuff that will become even more feasible. Thank again :)


I'm really glad people like the MMF move so much. I've had nothing but positive comments about it :) I'll be adding in some more monster sculpts and hopefully they will be more to your liking than some of the more resent offerings. Thanks for the feedback Joseph


Someone else said busts- and I agree! Just one here or there would be great. No one makes dragonborn/dragon kin busts, or tabaxi busts, so anything a bit humanoid adjacent would be pretty cool. Dnd monsters are super useful to me- but I also use a lot of your anthros because I like to paint them, so I love seeing those every few releases.


Yeah that was Sim1art :) I was just replying to them. They wanted to see some dog folk busts which would work well for humanoid adjacent as well. I'll see if I can fit some of these in, in the future as well. Monster sculpts I think are the most requested suggestion I think so there will definitely be more of those coming in he future

C.W. Elliotte

I am late to the party, but I subbed for the animal folk. I am in a Humblewood campaign, and your minis are the best ones online for that setting.


❤❤ Thank you so much, glad you like them 😊 There will definitely be more of them coming in the future. I've been thinking after listening to Patron feedback I might have a go at making some of the animal folk I've been doing multi part as well as pre posed


Also a bit late to the party, but for me the animal folk are not really that useful. I really like your take on mechs, monsters and demons and would definitely like some scifi stuff :) Would also like to say that I really love the move to MMF and that you add previous releases there! It makes it so much easier to keep track of and find the different sculpts.


I'm really glad I made the move to MMF. It took a while to upload everything, but I've got nothing but positive feedback about it. I was wondering what do you use the mechs for, 40K, or another game? or do you just like big robots?


I am mostly printing for playing 40k. To be honest I haven't been able to get to printing too many mechs yet, but I would like to use them for helbrutes or maybe to spice up tau. Also the vehicles seem to be very good to use as imperial guard vehicles.


So I think of Tau being more traditional Mecha looking and Helbrutes being more demonic. Those are the styles you are after? The demonic ones could also work with other games


i dont like halflings and furries very much, but hey as long as you keep doing nigh goblins/wood goblins and nurgle i am happy


I would say I am after both generic demons, but also demonic vehicles/machines. Maybe something towards: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NO/Chaos-Space-Marines-Vex-Machinator-2019, https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-WW/Khorne-Blood-Slaughterer-Impaler, https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NO/Chaos-Space-Marine-Maulerfiend-2019. The example is only GW models, since that is what I know of. Not saying I would like a 100% stand in replacement for any of those models :) I agree that Tau is really more mecha. I mostly print models for use, so in my case I think I just liked the mech models and use Tau as an excuse to myself for having them on my print list : D


I picked up a Vex a little while ago to have a look at. I like the mix of bio and mechanical a lot of the chaos stuff has