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First here's the Rat folk slaves, coming out next month 

And now for the big announcement 

You will be able to get all releases via MMF  :D 

This will mean you can have your files available through MMF and they will be stored over there. 

I want to test I've got everything set up properly to start so if you would like to be a part of the test group just say in the comments and I will send you the email 

After I've got everything working I am planning on going through all past releases and making them available over there so you will be able to have your complete collection all backed up in the same place :)

 This might take me a while as I've got about 4 years of releases to upload :S 



Yellow Sign Studio

Duncan, as you might figure, I am sooooo in! Sign me up!


May files received and working great :) thanks!


Files are there and working great!

Kevin Jacobi

Thank you for all the extra work. Definitely a benefit.


I’d definitely be willing to test!


Seems I already got the test MMF email, I just hadn’t fully made my way through my instead mail yet.


I'll be happy to test if there is still room.


So happy with that idea I didn't read the rest of my emails before posting. 🤣


Happy to be part of a test, but it looks like the May giles have already come through and work fine on MMF!


Thanks for the offer to test :) The first test went well so I wanted to get you all your files out via MMF as soon as possible :D


The first test went well so I went for it and sent them out to everyone :) Glad you have gotten the files fine


I would be happy to part of the test group!

Michael Abraham

I'm happy to help out in the test, there's quit a few I bought over on gum road too


Once I've got everything over on MMF I should be able to add your Gumroad subscription months too so you can have it all in one place :)


Thanks John. The tests went well and I've sent out the first few months :) Thank you again for the offer to help


Please test me!


Thanks :) You should have this months release and before the day is out you should also have everything from this year :)


Hell yeah!


I'll be happy to test!


Thanks for the offer Jeremy. I have already run the tests and everything went well. I've got everything up on MMF now and it all seems to be running smoothly