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Also coming out next month will be some more bases 

This time some basic leaf cover. 

I thought they would be a nice simple bases that could be useful for lots of games. They ended up taking a age to finish 😂




They are fantastic. Would you consider doing them in the round lipped format also? Perfect for burrows and badgers.


Very cool bases, thank you.


Just a quick thought : it'd be great to make them hollow on the underside (quite like the blank plastic base you buy anywhere). If it's not much work on your side that'd be nice for resin printing and gluing magnets underneath. A lot of patreon don't do it and you find yourself printing large chunks of resin and having to drill then to magnétize it

Frederick A Williams

Just digitally put a hole in the bottom to match the magnet you want to use in say 3D builder, easy peasy. I personally hate the hollowed bases because I generally print flat against the build plate, but I have put holes in them for some 10mm magnets that I installed later. If you do this, no drilling. ;)


Well, now we'll have a school of thought fight 🤣. I personally avoid printing flat hence my comment. Let's mr. Shadow decide 🤣


Yeah sure I'm happy to do a few in the lipped format. Were there any of my bases you would like to see done in that style?


That's a interesting Idea. I've just had a request for some lipped format bases, so maybe I could do some like this as well and see what people think. If they are popular I could go over more of my old bases and update them. Are there any of my old bases you would like to see this done to?


these are beautiful


Is it possible to get a large like 100x100 or 200x200 of this texture? I would love to use these for my army but I will need to be able to create matching larger bases like titans and flyers. Love the work!


Yeah sure I'll try and do a load of larger bases in this style too :) I've been meaning to do a load of cavalry bases for a while as well :S