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last of the kitsune coming out next month. When I look at the one with his hands on his hips I can't help but hear "hahaha mine is a evil laugh" 

More images of the other bits coming out in the next release will be posted over the next couple of days :) 




When you first released animal folks, I admit I was doubtful. Now I play Burrows and Badgers 🤣. You put out kitsunes with a lot of character this month, congrats


How about some female kitsune? maybe rouges, mages or assassins?


The animal folk are well done, but I keep finding myself hoping we are coming to the end of them, since I have no use for them on my table. Are you eventually going to move on to other types of creatures?


These are awesome.


I have to say these look awesome, and these are the types of minis that got me to sign up to the Patreon!


All the anthros! Love it.


What sort of stuff are you after? I'm working of some Skaven gutter runners and starting to add command units to past ranges like the goblins as well. I am also planning on adding some historical options to the polls eg Medieval knights bits like that


Exactly! These sculpts are amazing! I have to collect all of them now. :)


If you ever want to see any other character classes etc let me know I always like to hear ideas :)