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Hey everyone hope you are all keeping well 

So I'll put the TLDR version up the top here :)

Patreon have been taken to court and lost and this could mean they are going to be in a sticky financial spot so I am going to accelerate giving out codes for Gumroad.

If you want to move over to gumroad and get your past Patreon releases or pick up past releases you missed you can do that now with any Gumroad subscription not just the yearly sub. Just sign up to gumroad and then pm me here and I'll sort you out with a personalized code

I will be carrying on my Patreon, so if you like it here nothing is changing :)

So the longer version is Patreon has in the past banned a few people, there Patrons have taken Patreon to arbitration and won, which could open up the flood gates for more legal action. I'm no lawyer but I've been paying attention to this as it effects my income. If Patreon is forced to pay huge fees what I fear what they will do is take it out of Creators funds first, which could be really bad for a lot of people who rely on Patreon for their income. 

This is why I will be offering codes so people can get there past Patreon releases on Gumroad and if they want they can also pick up missed months releases for the original $10 a month. I think Gumroad is a great service because with it's library system you don't have to worry about downloading the whole month in one go or links expiring. It also means I've not got all my subscribers in one basket as it were. 

I'm hoping nothing happens to Patreon and have no plans to leave, but I have to cover my back and make sure I can continue to produce sculpts for you all.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me in the comments :)




One question about moving... If I move now (since already paid for august) will Gumroad start charging now or the next (especially if the yearly submission is chosen)...


Patreon did shoot themselves in the foot with that one...."We'll never have to deal with a class action, we can force everyone into individual arbitration where we have most of the power!" and never actually considered what would happen in a case where a class action would have been far more efficient.


Arbitration is not a court case, and Patreon have lost zero arbitration cases thus far. They failed to get an expedited injunction to merge the 72 arbitration cases into one, so they're going to have to do each one separately. There's a lot of misinfo about this, like each arbitration case will cost $10k, but the fact is the arbitration company (JAMS Mediation) is not a court; JAMS can, if it decides to, cut Patreon a deal on arbitration fees for this circus. JAMS has contracts with tons of tech companies with forced arbitration clauses; if they don't cut Patreon a deal, it could look bad to all of their other clients. This part is extra gross: arbitration companies work for the tech companies, not for the users. In most cases, including this one, users have almost zero recourse.

Mathias Eek

What about the merchants? I run a store, and am considering joining the merchant tier in a month or two, but per now there is no merchant tier on gumroad, right? :)


When you say you can pick up past releases that you missed. Does that mean if I joined last month, I'd have access to May, June, etc.?


Hi Guys. Yes Gumroad will start charging you now. I can take a extra $10 off of a bundle or sort you out with a refund for this month though :)


I know, I'm no lawyer, but it seems to me like they have brought it on them selves a little bit. I'm guessing they got some bad advice :( I'm hoping they can make it through this as there are a lot of artists who are reliant on them


Thanks George. As you can tell I'm no lawyer and know nothing about legal stuff 😂 Sounds like Patreon should be ok from what you are saying, I certainly hope that is the case as there is a lot of artists who are dependent on them. Thanks again for the additional info


That is correct. For the moment nothing is changing for the Merchant tier, but I will look into giving a Gumroad option to merchants in the future


Yes. So I currently have year1, year2, and year3 bundles on Gumroad. So if you wanted to move over and get them I could give you a code so you could get them for the original Patreon price of $10 a month.


How long would such a code be effective? I'm not really certain how much I can sink into models in a single month before the "Bliss" in Marital Bliss gets a lower-case "b". P.S. I am still planning on making the move as it sounds like it will make life easier for you, but I am curious about this.


So are the only options on gumroad 1yr+, no monthly? Sorry I could probably go check myself.


I Duncan, for me it's ok, I like your work and dont want u get penalized if the platform has problems, I'll move to gumroad on september, I hope the offer for the older months will be available because I'm really interested to get what I have missed before dicovering you. Also I would like to get a merchant tier in the future, time my little shop starts working back as usua

Ryder Frankle

I'll switch in september since it can go month to month. Shame I wont have the same level of backups for this month but overall good switch.


I can update your Gumroad with past months :) After you have signed up for the Gumroad subscription send me a message here and I'll update your Gumroad with the months you were supporting on Patreon so you have it all backed up there