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Thought I would show you some of the stats that are on the way. 

The Musin Cleric and Rouge haven't been sculpted yet, but are something I want to do :) 

TJ has very kindly done a stat sheet for the Demonic Titan for free to just give to the community. He has also made the Scurryni a playable race :D

I would be interested to hear what you guys think and if you would like more playable races like this? 

These aren't finished yet as I will be adding some renders to them to finish them off :) 



Mathias Eek

Amazing! Fantastic to be able to just grab the statblock, and just use the minis. So much harder when there is no statblock and you have to come up with your own. Also amazing with playable races. I imagine that would be a lot of work for you though, and maybe hard to balance. I would be totally okay with you rather focusing on good statblocks, rather than playable races, but that's just me. :)


The playable race option offered for the Surryni is playtest material


Eventually I will be asking for feedback on it so that I can tweak it as needed and, if needed at all, release a version 2.

Ben Schmidt

Very nice! Small type under hellish terrain. But beautiful work. Stoked!


The Scurryni are quite a bit larger then I expected. I had envisioned them a bit more diminutive 2-3ft tall. Of course that might make them a bit tough to print. Perhaps a smaller variant would be cool.


You can always resize when printing. 65% or so would probably get you the right height for 2 or 3 ft tall.


I'm printing the Mousles at 50% so 60-65% might be good for the Scurryni. So roughly Halfling/Hobbit sized. looking at Duncan's sculpts six foot Nuttkin would have an 8ft tail. I like the smaller idea.


I didn't make these I commissioned TJ to make them and they kindly created the playable race for free :) So all of my time will still be on sculpting :)


I was thinking of doing other types. So flying squirrel, chipmunk stuff like that. That way I could go smaller from these or also larger :)


I'll just adjust my print size, it's just a personal vision/preference anyway. You and Tj are creating awesome additions to my world. Keep up the great work.


So I have a request and fully understand that my request doesn't really matter but here goes. I've been searching for 40k possessed stl's as full models or conversion bit but can find any anywhere. I don't know how this could be because the official possessed kit is garbage. I think either a modular possessed release or even just some arms and heads to go with the official chaos space marine kit would be fantastic. If anyone else knows of any possessed stl files I would be most interested.


I was trying to stay away from 40k and sci fi stuff and keep my Patreon fantasy, but I'll have a look. It probably wont happen though, sorry :(


GW is notorious for going after creators who infringe on their IP (intellectual property) which is probably why it's so hard to find. Sorry mate. Hate to be the bearer of bad news.